Thursday, May 7, 2009

What kind of foods do have good viatmins to help your hair , skin , growth and my borns in veggie and friut?

foods that contains Vit B, buy yourself a supplement.

What kind of foods do have good viatmins to help your hair , skin , growth and my borns in veggie and friut?
i know carrots are good for your eyes. the "green stuff"is good for your memory and brain. im not sure about hair and skin tho.....

What kind of foods do have good viatmins to help your hair , skin , growth and my borns in veggie and friut?

hhhmmmhhhh. brockly, chees (dairy) can help skin and bones! ocra can make your eyes sparkle like stars!!! carrots help your complexion stay clean. lots of things do different stuff, try asking a doctor or you grand mother, old people know stuff like that!!!

What kind of foods do have good viatmins to help your hair , skin , growth and my borns in veggie and friut?
Reply:slow down and check your spelling , and try again .
Reply:green leafy foods milk any thing with a and d vitamines are good for youre hair ,nail;s and body

Small white growths on scrotum??

My boyfriend has had some very small white hard lumps forming on his scrotum - when you feel them there seems to be no formation under the skin, it is just formed on the surface of his skin, originally he just had one (about 2mm wide) this then wierdly split into 2 smaller growths, and now these have grown furthermore over the past year or 2, (the biggest is no more than 3mm). His testicles feel normal and he is not in pain. He suffers a lot of itching which then causes him to graze his skin. What do you think these lumps/growths/skin bumps are? What could relieve the itching? and What other suggestions do you have?

Small white growths on scrotum??
The bumps sounds like they could be milia - basically kinda like blackheads, but theyre white and hard. Usually they're harmless and very common. The itching doesn't fit though... does he shave? That could be it too... have him go see his doctor and show him, just in case.
Reply:Try doing a search on google, or better yet contact a doctor: )
Reply:ypu might ask him to see a doctor, they could be genital warts, if this is the case, they are incurable, and you, the girlfriend, could be in danger. Sometimes the effects do not show up for years, but once they do appear, it is hell. the medication alone burns. And if they get too bad, they spread like wildfire. Women who get them can also get cancer, so it is best to be wise, and get checked out.


What is this itchy, scaly, slightly inflamed,skin growth?

About four weeks ago, I noticed about four raised dots[like warts] on my wrist, so I covered them with a wart medication.

A week later, the other three disappeared and the biggest one became inflamed and scabbed over. It also seemed to have a bit of liquid inside of it.

Its on my wrist and its raised, 3/4 of an inch wide, itchy and scaly.

Its only inflamed around it, and the middle is kind of light brown-ish white.

I'm a bit worried about it.

I'm going to see a doctor about it, but I was wondering if anyone had any clue what it might be.

I've considered that it might me eczema.

What is this itchy, scaly, slightly inflamed,skin growth?
I'm sorry for you but It is probably eczema. Though it is a skin disease, it cannot kill you. Don't worry! I would recommend going to the dermatologist to get a prescription for it. It tends to be worse in the winter because of heaters that dry up your skin. If you can't afford to go to the dermatologist try Eucerin non-scented lotion. It works wonders for me. (I have eczema) Some things that make it worse are hot water, scented soaps, citrus, and heat/lack of moisture. It may or may not go away as you get older. It can come back at any time.
Reply:it could be eczema. i have eczma real bad in 7th grade where it was all over my face and the dermitoligest had never seen anything like it. They will just give u cream and u will be fine.
Reply:There are so many types of skin disorders that I would not dare hazard a guess on what you are suffering from. Best is to wait for the diagnosis from your doctor.

If you need more info on eczema, however, here is an excellent site with plenty of up-to-date news

Can someone tell me ..I have a skin growth on my eye lid..not painful..but looks bad..its right in my eye lash

its raised and growing...bumpy..doesnt hurt if I squeeze it but bleeds...can I just pull it off ya think?

Can someone tell me ..I have a skin growth on my eye lid..not painful..but looks bad..its right in my eye lash
It sounds like a stye, chalazion or meibolian cyst. Go to your doctor and he may lance it and give you cream to use. It'll be gone in no time.

You should bathe your eye in warm water twice a day to keep it clean and if you wear contact lenses, leave them out for a while.

Don't touch it or squeeze it, these infections are contagious. You don't want it to spread.

Best wishes and I hope you get it sorted soon
Reply:I wouldn't suggest that. First off, the eyelid is a lot more sensitive than you would think and the pain can drop you to your knees. You have lots of blood supply in the face as well, and can bleed like a stuck pig.

You might have a sty in the early stages- being right on the eyelash line, or an ingrown eyelash. I'd suggest a trip to the doctor for a professional opinion, and you can always go to an opthamologist for an expert. Plus they can treat it properly. You'd hate to have to have plastic surgery to repair your eyelid, just in case the thing really gets nasty on you, or you rip things off that shouldn't be. Don't mess with your eyes, because you only have 2 and they aren't replaceable.

Is there a safe way to remove skin growth?

Yes, if you do it correctly, freezing can work. Depending on the growth, it may grow back if you don't destroy all the affected tissue. Usually, you'll have to freeze the affected area multiple times. A dermatologist will normally use liquid nitrogen, but if you're doing it yourself difluloroethane works almost as well and is very cheap - its the compound in most air dusters. You'll need to use the liquid, so you need to turn the spray can upside down and spray it on the affected area for a few second. Be careful not to over-spray too much, but realize that you can't do it perfectly either. It'll hurt just alittle. You'll know that you've done it correctly when a blister forms about 3-6 hours after you freeze the skin. If possible, don't pop the blister, its nature's bandage. Repeat if necessary. Understand this: freezing your skin is similar to burning it. regardless of whether you or a doctor does it, you can get the skin infected. this isn't a problem, just treat it like any other infected cut or burn. freezing (or burning) whether done by you or a doctor can cause scarring - so be aware. One last warning, only do this on normal skin tissue, not on any sensitive areas!

This does work, and it is as safe as any treatment that can be used. Minor skin infection in the treated area is always possible, but thats not dangerous unless you are immunocompromised (aka had an organ transplant or have HIV)

Is there a safe way to remove skin growth?
What is skin growth? Skin is supposed to grow. Yet when you mean callouses (the accumulation and compacting of dead skin cells) grandmother´s advice is to soak your feet in lukewarm water with a few aspirins. When you find the skin soft enough use your towel to rub off these dead flakes. However! Leave some to protect your feet since that is what is meant for. And remember to rinse your feet with plenty of cold water before drying.

Can someone tell me ..I have a skin growth on my eye lid..not painful..but looks bad..its right in my eye lash

its raised and growing...bumpy..doesnt hurt if I squeeze it but bleeds...can I just pull it off ya think?

Can someone tell me ..I have a skin growth on my eye lid..not painful..but looks bad..its right in my eye lash
It could be a sty, or it could be a skin tag. The only way to find out is to have your doctor look at it. But I wouldn't pull it off, you might cause some damage to your eye lid.
Reply:could be a sty...
Reply:Go see a doctor, it's probably just a cist.

baby jade

Can someone tell me ..I have a skin growth on my eye lid..not painful..but looks bad..its right in my eye lash

its raised and growing...bumpy..doesnt hurt if I squeeze it but bleeds...can I just pull it off ya think?

Can someone tell me ..I have a skin growth on my eye lid..not painful..but looks bad..its right in my eye lash
Get it checked by a Dermatologist. I had a growth on my eyelid that was just odd. It fit nothing I had experienced before. After probably 2 yrs, and a few pulls on it because it annoyed me, I went to my Doc, who sent me to a DERM. It turned out to be skin cancer !! Yes, tanning beds can and do cause skin cancer. I wasn't wearing those goggles, but still, it was the exposure to the tanning bed that caused it. Even if yours can't be from a tanning bed, get it looked at. Cancer, even the kind I had , can spread.
Reply:i think you either need to give us some more information or go and see a doctor. I had one of those things on my eye and i just pulled it off, as long as it doesnt hurt too much you should be OK. Just make sure your fingers are clean and that you hold a wet, warm teabag to your eye for a couple of minutes afterwards
Reply:I think the Doc should look under the hood !

What foods will enhance and accelarate skin growth/repair?

I have a large cut, it is also very deep, how can i speed up the healing proccess.

Q2) I also have a little bump on my nose from where i have picked a blackhead, i have had it for about a year now, how can i get rid of it?

What foods will enhance and accelarate skin growth/repair?
Foods with lots of fatty acids in are good for skin repair, like avocados and nuts and oily fish. Berries are also good for skin growth, so try and get lots of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries etc. I think vitamin A is also good, so you could chuck some dried apricots in there too. Can't hurt can it!

As for the little bump on your nose, I think it probably would have healed by now, so you might need to ask the doc what he can do. You could try something from the chemist that helps scars heal, like that Bio oil stuff or something similar.
Reply:When was your last tetanus shot? Deep wounds require immunization against tetanus.

Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and running water. Apply antibiotic ointment (over the counter) from your drug store. Cover with a clean dressing and keep dry. Do this twice a day and be sure to wash the old skin and debris out of the wound.. If it stays gloppy or develops pus you will need to go to a doctor for attention.

A balanced diet that includes protein is all you need. You could take a multivitamin but it shouldn't be necessary. They have creams in the drug store that are supposed to hinder scar formation. Ask the pharmacist. And update that Tetanus shot if it is due.

Has anyone ever experienced "keratoacanthoma"? Skin growth?

The reason I am asking is my boyfriend has it, and has to get it removed by a plasic surgeon. I'm a bit worried about it because some sites on the net refer it to "tumor" or "cancer". Has anyone ever had to deal with this problem before? If so, can you tell me your experience in some detail? Thanks!

Has anyone ever experienced "keratoacanthoma"? Skin growth?
this website requires a free registration but will give you all your answers, good luck

How do you remove skin growth from your face?near your eyes?

it continuously grows with time....and i dont like is the size of a lental...

How do you remove skin growth from your face?near your eyes?
Sounds like your describing what is affectionately called a 'skin tab'.

Easy to remove and they wont grow back.

Best to have your physician or dermatologist do it though.

It may require local anesthetic but wont scar.

china green

I have an abnormal skin growth on upper lip what is it?

Send me a biopsy sample and I will get a report back to you. There is no other way to answer this question.

Gold/feeder fish has a (under the skin) growth on its right side (but not on the abdomen). what can i do???

my sister's gold/feeder fish has a growth on its side close to its eyes and gills. like not on the belly part.

its really sad to watch it actually lie down at the bottom of the tank while breathing heavily. are there any home remedies that i can try?? (like the boiled-peas for swim bladder issues)

i think the end is near but i dont want to just 'sit and watch.' although it is only a feeder fish. but still!

any advice is greatly appreciated :)

Gold/feeder fish has a (under the skin) growth on its right side (but not on the abdomen). what can i do???
On the contrary feeder fish are very hearty and healthy fish. Chances are it is a cyst, pox or a fish wart. What is the temperature of the tank? is it cool? try to raise the temperature to 70 no higher. If it is a pox this will clear quickly. Cyst could be a parasite lodged under the skin. Feeding him medicated food will help as well as with the wart.

DO NOT add salt to the tank. If the growth is large enough it could be causing him to swim funny or not at all.
Reply:i fear there is nothing you can do.

most feeder fish are kept in poor conditions and often carry diseases and internal birth defects due to poor water and inbreeding.
Reply:seeing an animal sick is never nice. i think you could take a photo and a thorough description and ask inside the fish department in a pet store what they think about your problem. maybe they have an idea.
Reply:It sounds like your fish is going to die, no matter what you do. If you want to end it's suffering HUMANELY, put it in a bowl of ice water and let him fall asleep naturally, until he stops breathing. It's sad, but it's humane in this case.

I am so sorry about your fish...really I am.
Reply:dont have any experience with feeder fish but i would do the humane thing and put it out of its misery

Took off acrylics & skin growth underneath nails are attached to my nails. Anyone know what to do?

I think after a few days of natural nails, this skin will get softer and recede on it's own. If your nails get really dry, the cuticle, which is on the top of your nail as well as underneath the free edge of your nail, becomes dry and tries to compensate by growing more to try to protect the dry nail. I'd use a hand lotion a couple of times a day and see how they feel.

Took off acrylics %26amp; skin growth underneath nails are attached to my nails. Anyone know what to do?
there is only 1 solution:

Reply:Usually over time it will grow back to it's normal size.

I have had them on and off many times so trust me.. it will eventually adjust to the new nails.

Also, if you trim your nails very short and trim the "dead" skin underneath it that helps too.

One more solution is to use a cuticle nail tool ( that pushes the cuticles back) and gently pack the skin underneath your nail back and do this once a day for a week or so.

This all might sound disgusting lol but it does work. You just have to be patient. My favorite is trimming my nails short but the other solutions work as well.

Hope this helps!

Small pimple-like skin-growth on forehead(best way to describe)but doesnt hurt like a pimple...?

really annoying - it's a tiny bump, been around for weeks now; keeps growing back when I pick at it unlike a pimple...wonder if I should just go get it checked out, but don't know if medication will make it go away?

Small pimple-like skin-growth on forehead(best way to describe)but doesnt hurt like a pimple...?
Could be an ingrown hair, could be a skin colored mole. Have a dermatologist check it out.


I have a problem with crusty skin growing in my nose which alternates between each nostril.?

It feels like a bruise when it forms and has to be more or less peeled out. It is skin growth not mucus and can be painful. i have a doctors appointment in 2 weeks but am wondering what it could be. It can go away completely but never for more than a month and alternates between each nostril.

I have a problem with crusty skin growing in my nose which alternates between each nostril.?
Im guessing here but as these are airways (your nostrils) the air you breathe in is drying out your skin . just a guess but I wouldnt worry too much .... hope the doc sorts it out for you and eases your mind :)

LOL at the above URL but it doesn't really help out does it !! .. nice one ;)
Reply:It could be impetigo but best to get checked out by your doctor.

Should i have to worry about my dogs skin growth?

my dog is 15 years old Shih Tzu and he had a good size lump on his back and my dad took him to the vet and they said it was a "growth" and i want to know if its a cancer i should be worried about. the dog bit the growth off but then it grow back and now its a larger lump then before and there is alot of black stuff around the growth. should i wash the black stuff around it off or will it bother the growth.i have read in many books that Shih Tzu have a life span of 12-16 should i worry about the growth my dogs back or not. the dog seems liek it doesnt hurt him.

Should i have to worry about my dogs skin growth?
Is your dog neutered? If not you should get it done. Hormones can cause growths like that. I had a German Shepherd that wasn't fixed and he started getting growths like that. He too bit them off but they came back bigger than before..A vet cut one off to do a biopsy on it. No cancer. I took him to the vet, got him neutered and after a couple weeks the growths went away.... Well, Good Luck!
Reply:My dog had something sort of like that on his nose. Turns out it was a tumor. My suggestion is to get it checked out by various vets to get more than one opinion. Also the growth could be dangerous to a dog of such age. Even if its not bothering him, it could still do stuff to his health.
Reply:if it was my dog i would take him back to the vet or even a different one. Don't wait until it's to late.
Reply:Romaster is right................
Reply:A vet can easily check using a very fine needle to pull a few cells out of the growth , the dog does not even really feel it and send it away to check for cancer, most skin cancers if caught early enough are not a death sentence the vet simply cuts it away along with a margin of tissue to ensure they get it all and then sew the dog up and that is usually the end of it, waiting could cause it to spread to a point were it is inoperable
Reply:It could be tumor (which is what a growth is), but you can't know if it is cancerous or not until the vet performs certain tests. Since the first vet was unhelpful, I highly suggest that you get your dog to a new vet ASAP. If the growth is cancerous, it needs to be treated now before it spreads. Once the cancer spreads, it is going to be almost impossible and won't be able to be treated effectively. Cancers tend to spread to the lungs, which can cause breathing difficulty and ultimately death in dogs.

To get started, your vet will need to run a complete blood panel (they may refer to it as a "senior wellness panel"). They will also need to take chest xrays, and possibly a couple other xrays to see if the cancer has spread. From that point, your vet may be able to aspirate the tumor and then determine if it is cancerous. Otherwise, if your dog is determined healthy enough (by the complete blood panel), the vet may decide to operate on it and remove it.

If the tumor is not cancerous, it is "benign." Unless it is growing in such a way that it bothers the dog or poses a risk to its physical health, the vet may not bother removing it (esp since teh dog is 15 yrs old).

Finally, although a lot of dog books state the life span is 12-16, that is just a general range. My family has raised shih tzus for many years, and with my experience, they tend to live to 17-18 if they are taken care of by their owners.

Good Luck with your dog. Please get him to a new vet, and I am sure he will be fine!

Skin"growth" inside vaginal wall..what could it be?


Skin"growth" inside vaginal wall..what could it be?
Maybe a cyst
Reply:might be a vaginal wart, which is an std. go get it checked out.
Reply:Most vaginal cancers do not cause symptoms in the early stages, but cancer in more advanced stages can cause symptoms to occur. Even precancerous conditions, such as VAIN, may not cause symptoms. However, many cases of VAIN and early vaginal cancer, although asymptomatic, can be found through regular Pap tests.

Women with vaginal cancer may experience the following symptoms. Sometimes, women with vaginal cancer do not show any of these symptoms. Or, these symptoms may be similar to symptoms of other medical conditions. If you are concerned about a symptom on this list, please talk with your doctor.

The most common symptom of vaginal cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding during menopause is not normal and, therefore, always a sign of a problem.

Other symptoms of vaginal cancer include:

* Unusual vaginal bleeding

* Abnormal vaginal discharge

* Difficulty or pain when urinating

* Pain during sexual intercourse

* Pain in the pelvic area (the lower part of the abdomen between the hip bones)

* Pain in the back or legs

* Edema (swelling in the legs)
Reply:i agree with MN....a vagina has glands and if one becomes blocked it can become infected.

The terms are:

Inclusion cyst; Gartner's duct cyst

There are several types of vaginal cysts, which can range in size from the size of a pea to that of an orange. Vaginal inclusion cysts are the most common. These may form as a result of trauma sustained by the vaginal walls or following an obstetric or gynecologic procedure, when the lining of the vagina doesn't heal to its normal smoothness.

Gartner's duct cysts develop in the space occupied by the Gartner's duct, usually on the side walls of the vagina. This duct is active during fetal development but ordinarily disappears after birth. In some cases, however, portions of the duct may collect fluid and develop into a vaginal wall cyst later in life.

chances are it is not cancerous, but can make sex an issue if it does not resolve on it's own.

I would seek a doctor's attention (OBGYN) and have it checked out.
Reply:my dick
Reply:A baby.

Abnormal Skin growth?

I have a horrible growth just below my neck. i am going to the doctor tomorrow, but it's horrible not to know. It started growly much quickly in December, and recently it seems like it grows just over night. It is always very sore, horrible agitating pain. it is very red now. I have been keeping it on ice which helpsthe pain a lot. Does anyone know what this might be? Or just some comfort would be nice.

Abnormal Skin growth?
It sounds like a boil to me. If that is the case you need heat not ice. Use some very warm Epsom salt and water compresses several times a day. Please do go to the Dr. to be sure what only the naked eye can see. Good luck.
Reply:an allergy or a rash?
Reply:oh my god i really dont know but all i gotta say is go to the doctor
Reply:It could just be an ulcer or absess, if it's a large red lump then that might be what it is, i had one of those on the back of my leg, it kept getting bigger, eventually i went to the doctors and they said they needed to drain it but i was too chickin **** to let them coz i h8 needles so they gave me some ointment and it went away in a couple of days. (plus i used toothpaste as if it were a spot lol)


Rubbing onion on skin prevents wrinkles??

i heard onions have high sulfur content and that sulfur promotes skin growth or something. Can rubbing it on your skin keep skin from wrinkling when you get older?

Rubbing onion on skin prevents wrinkles??
At age 55 I thought I had read everything there was on wrinkles and preventing them, but this is a new one on me. It will, however, be in the top things I have NOW heard about, but will NEVER try. I will never have THAT great an aversion to wrinkles!!

What is medurma, if I may ask?
Reply:you might smell.
Reply:no farckin way !! can u imagine if it gets in ur eyes


= ]
Reply:medurma is made of onions and it helps scars
Reply:i think there messing with u man, I mean even if it did help? r u desperate
Reply:that is false hun.

hope i helped :)
Reply:I don't think so. Also "Medurma" is spelled Mederma and it's a scar fading cream that's a total scam.

Skin tag right above my anus?

I have a piece of skin growth right above my anus about the size of a penny maybe or smaller. Its very soft and flat. I went to my doctor and he said its nothing to worry about and looks like a skin tag more then a wart. It doesn't hurt now should I get a second opinion, because he did give me a referal.

Skin tag right above my anus?
Is nothing to worry about, and in fact it's very common. If you want it removed, you can certainly go to any specialist who will cauterize it, is essentially burning it off.

The freeze here first so the amount of pain you will feel will be very minor although there could be some bleeding.

Weird skin growth/infection?

My boyfriend has had an odd growth on his face for a couple weeks. At first we thought is was a bad pimple...then, we thought, an infection. But after lots of waiting %26amp; using antibacterial cream, the growth is not getting better. He went to the doctor today and the doctor said is it some weird named growth, and he will have to get it surgically removed. I think this is a bit extreme, especially since the doc said that "this type of thing can occur out of nowhere." The growth looks like a pimple, is flaky, scabby, and secretes pus. I'm worried that he has to go to a plasic surgeon - sounds serious. Should we get a second opinion? What could this be?

Weird skin growth/infection?
be glad its a plastic surgeon operating on his face. a good dermatologist also can do the job.

skin growths cysts fibroids of all sorts are actually pretty common. as is getting them removed.

its no big deal. so don't panic.

and since you didn't give the name of which one it is.. its hard to comment on any of them..

but,again don't worry its a simple procedure.
Reply:the doctor knows what hes doing.
Reply:its a Cist

there common..a general surgeon can remove them
Reply:It's an alien cut it off as soon as you can before it reproduces!!!!!!
Reply:Sounds like some kind of cyst. People get them all the time. Sometimes they come back.
Reply:Some people get acne in the form of pustules, which fit the description you just mentioned. Some people get it surgically removed before it scars the face too much. He should probably go on antibiotics in the form of pills. Could be something internal causing the problem.
Reply:well it needs to be removed regardless i mean you cab get a 2nd opinion...but it needs to be done quickly ...not trying to scare you but i mean it needs to be cut off %26amp; have a biopsy done on it to see what it is
Reply:No need to go to a plastic surgeon, but you do need to get to a dermatologist. It could get worse, so do it now.
Reply:Its not a melanoma is it? It comes up like a freckle and can grow and has to be taken off. I also could be an ingrown hair and may require surgery to remove it to prevent any other problems.

Try going onto this web-page it has all the information you need about this skin condition. When it comes to surgery I would always go for a second opinion, but you must see a dermatologist(skin specialist)!

The difference between new skin tissue growth and pus?

I posted a question earlier about treating a possibly infected scrape I got from playing rugby. the scrape is on my knee and around 2 inches in diameter. the scrape was originally red, it has now formed a completely white substance over the whole scrape area. I have been cleaning the scrape with Hydrogen peroxide, then using a triple antiseptic cream before bandaging my knee. I am now unsure if I should be trying to clean off the white substance (if it is pus) or leave it to continue re-growing layers of skin (white tissue growth).

The white substance appears to be "sticky" and slightly yellow in places, it is not too painful to touch, and doesnt appear to have an odor, although the smell of the peroxide overwhelms everything.

The difference between new skin tissue growth and pus?
They way you tell if it's infected is if it is red and swollen. Scabs will turn all kinds of colors, but if the surrounding area is raised and red (or if the red is starting to spread further than the scrape) then you have an infection. Don't use the peroxide or cream anymore. You need to let the scab get hard. Just cover it losely. Soon, you can leave all cover off of it. If it gets all red, then you need to see a doctor.
Reply:At t his point, I would clean the wound with soap and water instead of the peroxide, which kills new tissue growth. Leave t he white substance alone, that is new tissue growth. Continue the triple antibiotic for a while longer and the clean dressing daily. As long as it is not really tender, no increased warmth or redness, and there is no foul smelling drainage, you are doing well.
Reply:It sounds as if you are covering this, if that is the case the "white stuff" is the scab, only it is too moist, which can set up for greater risk of infection. leave the area open to air as much as possible. Cover it only to keep dirt off or sticking to clothes. use only 1/2 strength H.peroxide to clean, full strength can damage sensative tissues. How long ago did you do this? antibiotic oinment isn't necessary if this is several days old. just keep it clean, open to air as much as possible and ointment only if it dries out too much to prevent cracking. Signs of infection include redness (alot, gaining intensity) pain at the site, and "dripping" yellowish drainage.


Is there any evidence that writing on your hand in biro can damage the skin in any way?

I haven't got round to buying a mini-notebook for writing down stuff I have to remember whilst on the go, so I have taken to scribbling it all on the back of my hand, and it's getting rather out of hand (figuratively, not literally - in fact it is very much ON hand).

So I was just wondering if I could be causing myself any damage by doing this? (and I want SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE not unsubstantiated rumours of horrible skin growths that got passed around in 3rd grade).

(The biro is a standard black BIC biro and I am just writing many words, often on top of other words that have faded, not actually colouring in large areas of skin or anything.)

Is there any evidence that writing on your hand in biro can damage the skin in any way?
If you get it in a cut it can work like tattoo ink - my husband has a tattoo done on his leg with a compass needle and Bic biro ink.

My husband has a skin growth inbetween his buttocks(bum cheeks) and is to shy to see his doctor about this.?

it is just a few inchs down from the his back and not to close to his is kind of like a web of skin and i am worryed about it .but he said it was there for years and couses no pain he cant remember getting it and said it probaly the result of hurting him self when he was 15 he is now 21.its not very big but keeps his buttocks from separaten proparly.he sweets a lot could this have coused it.

My husband has a skin growth inbetween his buttocks(bum cheeks) and is to shy to see his doctor about this.?
Shy is at least alive!! He MUST see his doctor who is qualified, trained, and licensed to give medical advice. People on this site are not. Most likely it is nothing. I would think the doctor would have seen it during your husband's annual physical!!

Reply:It should be looked at to make sure it's not cancerous. Its probably nothing.
Reply:Its probly just that and can be removed quite easily with a small surgical procedure or they could laser it off!
Reply:Sounds like a venereal wart from VD.
Reply:Damn, woman, how in the world did you find it in the first place? If he's not having any inflammation and can keep it clean, I don't think that would be something I'd be too worried about. It might be some sort of scar tissue.
Reply:That must be a pain in the ***!
Reply:He has probably had this all his life. It is just skin. I have seen this between peoples toes, they don't worry.

If he wants it removed then go to the doctors (lady one) and get it sorted.


Call him a big girls blouse
Reply:It sounds to me like scar tissue. He's probably right, he injured himself and it has overhealed itself creating new skin thus scar tissue. If it causes him no pain or discomfort then its probably nothing to worry about. I'm not a doctor though, tell him to see the doctor as I am sure they could painlessly remove it if he wants to, then he will have peace of mind or rather you will. And tell him the doctor has seen worse things then his bottom like doing cervical smears probably all the time so who cares about his little bum bum!
Reply:I don't know the nature of the "injury" he suffered at 15, but if it showed up right around that time and hasn't changed since, it's probably okay.

It would probably be very simple for a dermatologist to snip the skin if you can get your husband to go for it. People go to the doctor for all kinds of reasons, and there's no need to be shy because the doctors have seen everything and are there to help. There are more embarrassing things than a stray piece of skin, and even these things are common.
Reply:It is probably non-cancerous but some kind of fatty deposit. Tell him that getting help from a doctor is nothing to be embarrassed about. His doctor sees other people's bodies and private parts and growths like this all the time. He's a professional person with years of training. He looks at our body parts purely from a medical point of view and he's not going to think he's weird. It doesn't seem to be something sinister to me but I think most doctors would suggest surgical removal of it (just a very simple operation so don't be scared.)
Reply:I think he really should get over his shyness and go to see his doctor, surely he should be OK talking to a male doctor, who knows ,it could be nothing on the other hand it could be something serious, best to get it checked out. Good Luck ,Hope every thing does turn out OK.
Reply:bite it of for him and throw it in the Irish stew

Skin growth query?

hi i was wandering if anyone can shed some light ojn this?

if i had an injury ie a hole in my skin, anywhere about the size of a ten pence coin and i was to some how keep it free from infection and any medical intervention would it "grow over" i mean if i was to cover it with a piece of sterile clear plastic which was glues around the edge stopping the air and any infection would i see it grow over and close, i know it may sound dumb but it intregues me to know!!

Skin growth query?
It is in theory possible but dependant on several factors. Assuming you have your lab type conditions you have to remember that when proper skin grafting is done, the tissue is usually from a completely different area and guaranteed healthy skin.

The more cuts that are made in the skin, like you are suggesting the harder it would be for the skin to heal. Abnormally pulling the skin to where it doesn't want to go can result in tissue rejection, scarring, keloid scarring etc.

I am intrigued why you want to know this? Are you trying to cut out a tattoo or something because if you are PLEASE DON'T. You run a serious risk of making a mess of your skin which could look worse than whatever you are trying to remove.
Reply:It would take a while, but yes, it would grow over and close. This is a bit gross, but check out stories of people who for example have had surgery and caught MRSA or flesh eating bug, leaving a huge open would, which rots and festers, all the infected flesh has to be cut away leaving a huge hole, sometimes as bug as a hand or worse.... and these eventually do heal up. Yuk, I feel sick now...!!
Reply:A 10p piece size area of damage is generally thought to be the absolute maximum the skin can deal with without help. If you have a burn bigger than this you must go to the doctors as the skin will struggle to close such a hole. It also depends on your age, how healthy you are etc. etc.
Reply:hi JJ here i dont know much about medicine but my 1st aid training tells me that even if the wound iis clear of infection and well looked after ii myself would still have it checked by a proffessional of som sort just to rule out any underlying problems like a flesh eating bug or summat that could be hidden within the wound cause some bugs today r so evolved that they can go undetected right up until iits too late check it out m8 just in case

Skin growth cycle?

a description and the fuction of mitosis keratinisation and melanin as the skin grows from the base stratum germativuml to the surface stratum corneum in the skin

Skin growth cycle?
i am currently studying skin structure and function as part of my medical degree. i have spent most of my weekend drinking but i will tell you what i know:

epidermal growth factor is a peptide growth factor which

1. promotes divisions of germinative cells

2. accelerates keratin production in keratinocytes

3. stimulates epidermal development and repair

4. stimulates synthetic activity and secretion by epithelial glands

your question didn't really make sense. does it want you to describe mitosis and its control and the cell cycle checkpoints? if so you should ask this separately. people's minds might get blown!

good luck! :)


I have these these flesh tone growths popping up on my skin?

the first one was on my groin and I automatically thought it was a STD then another on popped up near it , now i have one on my chest though they start real small and continuously grow larger the differ in shape . I have no insurance and i haveno other symptoms i can tell anyone know what this could be

I have these these flesh tone growths popping up on my skin?
If they are skin tags do not tie a string around it. You can get a serious infection and then what do you do? Especially with no insurance. Find a clinic or go to the doctor and find out what it is if its really bothering you. I have skin tags. They are little fleshy looking things and they have popped up mostly on my neck and my underarm on one arm.

I accidently twisted my necklace one day and one was in it and not knowing twisted my necklace and ripped the sucker off. It hurt like he!! and got all red and yucky. Had to go to the doctors and make sure it didnt get infected.
Reply:Try this website. I hope it helps.
Reply:Find a free clinic and Go see a doctor.
Reply:r they warts or are they skin tags? warts? get them treated and if they r skin tags they just need to be removed. skin tags are more prominent in the skin folds of people who r overweight.
Reply:skin tag??? i had one and the dr put a dab of some kind of acid on it and sure enough within 2 days it had fallen off.

I get inner-hair growth even after waxing my legs. & have to wait until they grow out of my skin to wax again.

what can I do inorder to prevent inner skin growth

I get inner-hair growth even after waxing my legs. %26amp; have to wait until they grow out of my skin to wax again.
what you should do is tweeze them out . waxing does not remove ingrown hair . so before you wax get the tweezers and remove them . this is the only way , also it stops infections too .
Reply:Exfoliate. Try using a loofah everytime you bathe/shower to keep dead skin cells off. That's what causes ingrown hairs. Good luck!

There's an odd skin growth on my cat. Help!?

My 6 year old cat has a long, string-like growth of skin coming out of his back. It looks like it's growing out of a scab. When I first noticed it, it looked like he had a white string attached to his fur -- that's what it looks out. I had pulled it out, and noticed it was skin. Now it's growing back. I have an appointment with the vet for Monday. Could this be contagious (I have another cat). Any idea what it could be? Bleck.

There's an odd skin growth on my cat. Help!?

This could be worms (sorry to gross you out) or it could be something as simple as a growth. You didn't mention if you're cat is an indoor or an outdoor/traveling cat -- and that changes everything. Leave the one that is growing back attached, that way the vet can make a better analysis. He/She might remove it as well in order to run tests etc. Or if it's an infection the doctor might remove the growth and then cauterize it.

If, for whatever reason, this skin growth becomes unattached (say from cat scratching etc) try to save it in a plastic baggy until the appt. so that the vet can see what you were referring to.

Sorry wasn't a huge help. Those are just the basic causes if you've an INDOOR cat, if he's an outdoor cat it's a whole new ballgame.

-Jesse (former vet tech)
Reply:Hi Natt...without being able to physically see what you've describe this would be difficult to give a decent answer. It could be a parasite/worm...torn skin. If it's torn skin it may have happened with rough play or caught on something sharp. Or if it is a parasite/worm then it would be contagious and both cats can be treated successfully. Your vet appointment on Monday will produce the answer to your question and would be best as we (Yahoo Answer group) all could be speculating and be very far off the mark as to what this could be exactly. :-) Please be sure to save whatever you have pulled out for the vet to examine as well. Place it in a plastic bag in your refrigerator and and label it with your name, your cat's name and date.
Reply:I think your cat got scratched somehow - by himself or possibly by another cat. The white string would just be more of the scab. Maybe he scratches it over and over again, because it itches when healing. It sounds like it's not a worm, since it is not coming out of his rear end.
Reply:Could be a harmless skin tag or papaloma (spelling?). My old dog has a million of them and some of them do stick out and are a bit elongated. If it is growing back exactly the same as it was before you pulled it off, I doubt it's a parasite. If it is a benign growth, it isn't contagious.

My mom had skin cancer in texas in 2002 the growths were cut from her nose and forehead and the doctor said?

she was fine.... that the cuts would heal, they never did still 6 years later they have scabs on them...I've been telling her to go to the doctor until finally a stranger walked up to her in the mall and told her she needs to go to the doctor she has skin cancer. So she went today and sure enough the doctor told her she is 99% positive she still has the skin cancer and hopes it hasn't spread they have taken a biopsy and she won't find out until 2 weeks...anyone else know of or ever been in this situation? Or any dermatologists out there?

My mom had skin cancer in texas in 2002 the growths were cut from her nose and forehead and the doctor said?
99% of all cancers are from infections in the body. The primary site of origins are typically in the intestines and the teeth. If you mom has any amalgam fillings or infections in her mouth, I would look to that as the real source. The cancer may be on the nose and forehead, but look to the teeth first. I would strongly suggest seeing a practitioner that is familiar with QRA testing because this is the only real way to determine the location of infections that are difficult to find. The medical industry gives you only 3 legal choices for treating cancer because of the congressional hearings that took place decades ago. Those choices are: radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. All other options are not recognized by the FDA for that reason.

I suggest she focus on finding all infections in her body and then getting on a diet that will make her body healthy. I suggest she seek out a certified nutritional therapist that has knowledge of the QRA techniques for a second opinion.

good luck to you
Reply:It is a real shame such such a terrible quality answer can be chosen as Best Answer. This answer is totally false and certainly not based on scientific or medical fact. Report It

Reply:Sorry, no, but please know that I am praying for her. God Bless!
Reply:Any time a skin cancer is removed and the wound does not heal then this is a prime indication that there is still cancer present. Wasn't your mother curious about why her skin never healed? If she is lucky the original cancer was a basal cell and if so she has a very low chance of developing metastatic disease. However if she had squamous cell or melanoma then her waiting around for additional treatment has definitely put her life in danger. Make sure she sees a dermatologist ASAP for proper treatment.

Once you have have had one skin cancer you are always at increased risk of developing new skin cancers. Your mother will need to see a dermatologist at least yearly for the rest of her life just for checkups.

shell flower

Excessive skin growth, under fingernails & fingertips & elsewhere?

This excessive skin growth was diag. as "plant" in origin, with no cure mentioned. It has been very troublesome over many parts of my body, externally %26amp; internally. I have seen slow improvement over past two years but I mean "slow". Seems to have what I would call a scolex or tap root, varies in size from pin point to 1/4" X 1" long. Any help would be great.

Excessive skin growth, under fingernails %26amp; fingertips %26amp; elsewhere?
Wow, sounds bad, I feel for you. Sounds like plantars wart..

I have an older dog (10yrs) and she's getting little growths similar to human skin tags only they're firmer.

Anyone know what these are. They don't seem to bother her..they are just there in different areas of her body....back of the neck, nose, ear. I forgot to ask the vet about them at her last check-up. Thanks guys, you're always so helpful.

I have an older dog (10yrs) and she's getting little growths similar to human skin tags only they're firmer.
They ARE just skin tags. You can get them off by applying tea tree oil, or by tying fine thread on the base of them very tight and they will fall of..they don't seem to have any feeling, so dogs don't mind the thread.
Reply:As dogs get older, sometimes they will get ''fatty tumors''. That might be it.
Reply:Is she a lab? I know that chocolate labs have a problem with tumors when they get older.
Reply:that happends to all old dogs
Reply:They can be ne thing from skin tags to tumours, best asking the vet to take a look and best not to leave it too long
Reply:Might be cysts. But I believe your vet would have spotted them. If he didn't say anything to you, then I wouldn't worry about it. You could call the vet and ask just to be sure.
Reply:its old age just keep up with the vet and remember just like humans dogs go through changes with old age she is like 60 or 70 in human years and her skin will change
Reply:they are probably just that skin tags although watch for change in color size etc u may have to have one removed and biopsy

Scary Skin Growth? (Take 2)?

Yes, this is a repeated question and it's pretty gross. I have a growth just outside my vagina that looks and feels like a HUGE skin tag. Another one just began to form behind it. When the doc first looked he said he didn't know what it was, it could be a wart, a tag, etc...but no cause for concern. It concerns me, though! It hurts when it's bothered by friction of any kind, but otherwise, there's really no irritation. I've had bumps down there before (ingrown hairs), but never anything like this until a little over a month ago when discharge started getting heavy in my 8th month of pregnancy. Have you gotten skin tags in that area during pregnancy? Were they larger than other tags and did they get irritated/painful? Does anyone have any idea what else they could be? I've pretty much ruled out warts, though, because I've been routinely tested, faithful to my husband (who is faithful to me), and they just don't look like warts. Please help? Thanks.

Scary Skin Growth? (Take 2)?
It really does sound like a skin tag. They are totally harmless, but if it is painful, you could have a dermatologist look at it.
Reply:My friend had that, but wasn't pregnant. It could be a:

1. Genital warts (those who get it, can show symptoms much later)

2. Hormone level is going crazy and causes acces skin tags, freckles, acne, moles, hair growth, etc.

I'd go get it checked just in case, cause if it's genital warts...this outbreak will get worse and be all over your vagina. See below photos link...

Copy/paste (it's really graphic, but shows you what happens if you don't fix it on time)
Reply:I didn't get them there, but other places. Mostly on my nech and chest.

I am gross, the small ones I scratched off. (I said I was gross)

The others I had removed after my daughter was born.

Skin growth?

I have what looks like a small growth of skin in the corner of my nose near the cheek. I have alot of people with these. Are they dangerous and can they be removed. It is only small but seems like it is growing

Skin growth?
i had 1 of them on my chin not dangerous if same colour as you skin its if they go very dark brown or black you got to worry .i picked at mine and in the end it just could have removed i think if bothering you /
Reply:Get it cheked if you have had it for a long time .Could be a rodent ulcer or a basal cell carcinoma.Both are treatable skin cancers.
Reply:yes they can remove that. it will heal faster if it is small


Skin growth around my nose ring?

I got my nose pierced and it's been almost 3 months. Recently i noticed a skin growth around my piercing. The growth is red, and with time it just becomes dry. Today while i was cleaning my piercing i noticed a yellow liquid and blood coming out of it. i tried removing the ring but when i move the ring the bump gets bigger.

Im really worried that if i remove the ring it will grow bigger.

Skin growth around my nose ring?
The bump may have been a granuloma caused by trauma to the area. Do you remember knocking it or pulling it? They are fleshy-whitish bumps that develop due to that trauma and do get bigger without the proper care. They do weep and often bleed.

Here's what worked for me to get rid of mine (it behaved almost exactly like yours did, but I caught it early). Twice a day I would first boil some water and pour it on a washcloth, and once it has cooled enough for you to stand, hold it onto the piercing. That helps the granuloma release it's fluid and shrink. Then, also twice a day after I did the hot compress, I would dab on sea salt water onto the bump. Then I would take DRY sea salt and stick it to the bump (the water acts as an adhesive). Then go do something else! Watch TV, read...but leave it on for at least a half an hour before wiping it off with a cotton bud dipped in salt water. Then, leave it alone. The salt dries it out after that compress release of fluid and helps it heal. Mine healed completely after doing this for about three weeks.

Don't stress, be diligent, and it'll go away with time and care. Good luck!
Reply:Twice a day, dab your piercing with Tea Tree Oil. It will help heal your piercing, fight the infection and keep you from developing a Keloid. I have tried Hydrogen Peroxide, Rubbing Alcohol, Polysporin and Neosporin. None of these worked. Once I started using Tea Tree Oil, my piercing healed quickly. You can buy Tea Tree Oil at most drug stores and health food stores. It's a natural anitseptic.
Reply:Ah, the dreaded bump.. I had it too... I used warm water mixed with sea salt (find it at a grocery store) and soaked the bump with it for like 5 minutes in the morning and at night.. eventually, the bump dried out and disappeared, or you can kind of pick the dead skin off.. :)

Weary of small whitish skin growth near the perineum and vagina entrance, what could it be??

For the past two months, i've been noticing a small distinct white skin growth between the entrance of my vagina and the perineum (anus). Also a reoccuring, discharge which appears like a yeast infection, but less thick and white in does not smell, nor itch..I went to the Gyno and had a vinegar, ph and micro test...all which indicated normal and healthy activity. The gyno said the white skin growth did not indicate an std but a change of homeostasis in the vagina and that i had a slight yeast infection..I was given fluconazole for the yeast.. its been a month since the check up.. and i still have the discharge and bumpy white skin growth.. its worrysome...does anyone have any idea what it could be??? my first thoughts were that i nicked my self while shaving and bacteria caused a growth? or the worst hpv...someoneee please reassure me or let me know whats up!?!

Weary of small whitish skin growth near the perineum and vagina entrance, what could it be??
I think a follow-up visit to your GP or specialist is the only sensible option at this point - you need the certainty that you can only get from a medical professional.
Reply:Sounds like HPV to me.

Skin growth?

Eight weeks ago I noticed a tiny tiny bump on my skin, skin colored in nature. I picked at it, it went flat and then started to heal. When it started to heal a white growth started to come from it. It looked like a pimple but it could not be squeezed out no matter what I did. I picked and prodded at it till it came off. Then when it began to heal again, the white spot grew back again. It grew to about 1 mm high and about 2 mm wide, always in a circle. My doctor told me it was an ingrown hair. I put hot compresses on it and it did not go away, but the whit growth peeled off, only to grow back again. Everytime it grows back it is about 1 mm high, and two mm around with a red ring around it and white in the center. I got fed up and went to another doctor, mine was away, and he told me it was either a cyst or a fibroma and put liquid nitrogen on it. Then I went back to my family doctor and she said it was a dermatofibroma and it should have been cut out so it could have been tested. Now I worry that I shouldn't have been so hasty and it could have been something serious that I'll never know about.

Please answer these questions for me if you could...

Can a fibroma be peeled off like that and keep growing back?

Why couldn't I squeeze anything out if it was a skin cyst?

Do cysts grow right on top of the skin, I thought they grew under..

Can further excision happen after cyrotherapy, or am I doomed to wonder for the rest of my life?

Please help me if you can...

Kim Vasdani

Skin growth?
i dont know too much about cysts or fibroma but i know that cysts can usually be squeezed out and they can grow on skin and any sort of cancerous thing like fibroma can regrow.. i wud get a second opinion or in ur case a third and if they want to do a biopsy to see if it is a cancer of some sort and cut it out i wud definitely do it cuz if it keeps recurring the way u say it does i wud worry and i dont care what it is i wud want it outa there asap no matter what.. so good luck to you

What kind of growths grow below the skin?

on the bottom of my foot there is a growth or cyst of somesort located on the tendon for my big toe along the arch of my foot. It is fleshy and seems to have stopped growing but it is big enough to get my attention. I know I need to see a podiatrist about this, but I'm curious now. What could this be?

What kind of growths grow below the skin?
It might be something called a neuroma. It might be benign, but don't take chances. Neuromas grow from the nerve to the connective tissue on the bone. They get real painful. I had several removed from my ankle and the surgeon said that chances are they come back.

elephant foot

Why as we get older some of us are prone to getting moles and growths on our skin?.?

And what causes them and can they be got rid of?

Why as we get older some of us are prone to getting moles and growths on our skin?.?
Please forward me any decent response you get. Anything that does not involve going under the knife and ingesting medicine. I would be happy to try anything. Getting old has its consequences.
Reply:I know how you feel! - I'm only forty and already have more moles than countable - various strange cyst like bumps (which the Dr said grow as we get older and really should not be removed unless it's really necessary), age spots on my hands and to top all that a beautiful moustache (which has been removed!) God I sound awful...... look past that and I'm a b loody good catch!
Reply:In life we have DNA. DNA is like long strands much like a shoelace. At the end of the shoelace is a sheath that keeps the DNA helix from becoming unraveled. Every time the body needs a new cell, the process of replication begins. That's where the sheath at the end of the shoelace becomes important, the sheath can only bind the helix so many times. The pattern for the replacement cells begins to change over time.

The short answer: don't grow old.

A small skin growth resembling a pimple?

Today while in the shower i came across a small growth on my side that resembles and sort of feels like a pimple. But i know it isnt one. It is a piece of my skin, and im concerned about what it is. Its as small as a pimple, but more irritating. I do have one on my neck too, and i dont want to rip it off but its bothering me. What are these small growths?

A small skin growth resembling a pimple?
It could be a mole. Moles are not just big ugly things that are on the side of witches noses. Some can be as small as a pimple and the same color as your normal skin. I have no traditional moles but I have several of these. However if you are really concerned then go see a dermatologist. Nothing is healthier than peace of mind, and better than worrying about what it is. here are some pics of skin cancer moles that you can compare it to.
Reply:Sounds like a cyst.
Reply:this is personal advice, not medical advice

it might be a hive. you may have an allergy to something. take benedryl, and see if they go away. if they don't, or don't disappear in about a week, i recommend consulting a dermatologist
Reply:It is possible that you could have a cyst, boil, or wart. A cyst is a larger bump and is not typically red. A boil is big and has puss in it, and hurts! If you have a wart, it will look like just a small bump of skin. It sounds like you may have a wart, one of the best ways to get rid of a wart is to put acidic wart remover on it, then cover it with clear nail polish. Make sure it is covered at all times, warts need oxygen to keep alive and doing this will suffocate it. You should start to notice it drying up and getting smaller in about a week.
Reply:if its sorta black be worried if not i would ask a doctor just in case then you wont' have to worry take care.

Our cat has developed growths under the skin at her nipples.?

They are about 1/2" wide and 1 1/2" long and hard to the touch. She has also lately developed some redness of the two nipples where the growths are and has started licking that area.

She doesn't seem to be in any discomfort.

Any ideas as to what this may be?

Our cat has developed growths under the skin at her nipples.?
See a Veterinarian immediately. You don't give any information on the age, breed of the cat, spay vs not. Licking is a sign of discomfort.
Reply:Maybe she's pregnant?
Reply:I would definitely call the vet on this one. Female cats are very susceptible to breast cancer.

Fatty Growths on my worried?

I have found some very small fatty growths here and there throughout my body..most notably on the side of my body adjacent to my belly button or close to adjacent atleast and im doesnt hurt unless i put pressure on it.could it be cancerous or just harmless fatty growth? please help i dont want to go to the doctors and seem stupid for nothing

Fatty Growths on my worried?
Probably a lipoma or fatty tumor. These are benign and very common. If you still have doubts see your physician.
Reply:try searching up 'stretch marks'
Reply:I don't know but I had a bump pop up about a year ago. Suddenly!!!!! It had been on my chest probably for years because I had a pimple in that spot which healed over or so I thought. It had absessed becoming a sabaceous cyst. Please go to your doctor. I don't think cancer is what you may be dealing with. But, miner didn't hurt. GO!!!! OK???

You don't want to know how badly they smell after they pop. Oh My GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... I believe apple cider vinegar saved my life and pulled the infection to the surface. ANYONE KNOW???


What are those little growths of skin found on your eyelids and such places as your neck, and what causes them

They're called "skin tags".

They're pretty common, and usually, but not always, begin in middle age. I've had mine since I was a teenager. More women than men get them, but both get them in the same areas - eyelids, neck, chest, armpits and groin area. I get them on the insides of my elbows.

They can be easily removed, either by burning them off, or tying a bit of string around them to cut off the blood supply.

Check with your doctor if they irritate you.

I found this info, so I hope it helps :

*A skin tag is a common, benign condition which consists of a bit of skin that projects from the surrounding skin and may appear attached to the skin. Skin tags can vary quite a bit in appearance. They may be smooth or irregular, flesh colored or more deeply pigmented, and either simply be raised above the surrounding skin or have a stalk (a peduncle) so that the skin tag hangs from the skin.

What are those little growths of skin found on your eyelids and such places as your neck, and what causes them
Theyre called skin tags!
Reply:Calcium deposits
Reply:Skin flaps?
Reply:skin tags. i think they're caused from old age and/or exposure to the sun
Reply:Skin tags. I heard you get them from skin rubbing together. Your doctor can easily remove them if they bother you.
Reply:Doctor says they are a form of cyst and are normal as you age. He freezes them off it they bother you.
Reply:skin tags. i remove them with a home remedy.

What is the name of a skin condition caused by skin colored growths all over face and body?

White spots could be vitiligo

Red/purple spots could be Port Wine Stains (born with those, though)

Brown spots could just be an increase in the melenin of the skin (something like a BIG freckle)

What is the name of a skin condition caused by skin colored growths all over face and body?
Freckels, moles, old age spots.
Reply:"White patch disease"?

Check out the website and the pics to verify..
Reply:Neurofibromatosis is a heriditary condition with growths all over the body, dark'cafe-au-lait' spots, bony growths, nodules in the eyes and brain tumours; not all at the same time.

What is the name of that liquid Doctors use to remove wart and other skin growths. It freezes them off.?


Acetone chilled with dry ice (CO2)

What is the name of that liquid Doctors use to remove wart and other skin growths. It freezes them off.?
Reply:I believe it's nitrogen
Reply:I don't know what it is called, but I do know what works, and it's cheaper. Put some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball (use quite a bit) then tape it over the wart when you go to bed. It doesn't smell great, but it does work great! My 12 year old nephew had warts on his chin and fingers, and a few days of this treatment got rid of them. Good Luck!