Ive had my blue betta for a year and hes been totally happy and healthy. then one day i noticed a little white dot maybe 1mm accross on his body. now it has grown to about 3mm accross and distends a mill from his body. it looks like the scales are peeling away from the white bit. What is this? How can I fix it? At first I thought just white spot but there was only ever teh one spot?! He still is acting normally swimming around and eating fin waggling what is this growth thing!? HELP make him better!
Betta skin problem - white bump on body 3mm accross - HELP!?
Yuck he has ICK. You can buy a treatment over the counter at the pet store.
Reply:This sounds like a case of ICK. They sell remedies for it in aquatic pet/supply stores. A pinch of salt in the water may help.
Reply:its possible it could be ick i'd like to see a picture of it if you have one and i can tell you better then. Ick is a parasite that infests fish if left alone it will reproduce and keep infecting it and there will be a bunch of white spots. Usually white bumps are a sign of ick but i'd have to see a photo to tell you for sure.
Reply:From the sounds of this you have what is called ICK go to the pet store and buy a bottle of this solution and treat the water. Wouldn't hurt to ask the pet store what else you have noticed about this fish just so they have a better picture of what you are trying to to cure.
Reply:3 mm is very large for a ich spot and ich doesn't cause scales to peal away or fall off. It sounds as if the fish has a skin parasite larger than ich or a bacterial infection. If the spot looks at all fuzzy or furry, it's a fungus and treatment is easy with stuff from the pet shop. If it's bacterial, look for treatments at the pet shop too, but don't hold your breath for a full recovery. A parasite that size on a beta would be diffucult to properly treat with a very poor chance of recovery. How long has the spot been there and how quickly did it grow? A fast growth rate (2-3 days) would almost certain indicate a bacteria or fungus which are the most likely answers.
Personally, I would treat for both bacteria and fungus and hope for the best.
Best of luck
Reply:Check this site out, http://www.fishjunkies.com/Disorders/lum...
Does it look like any of those lumps?
Reply:It can be funges, i know that my guppie died from it, if you don't treat it soon, it can die with in 2 weeks%26gt; By the way, DO NOT put aqua or normal salt in it, it will only make things worse!
Reply:go to your local fish store your fish has "ick" for real. its treated with a sulfur product. the cause is a change in water temp.
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